Blossoming Almond Branch in a Glass (1888)

Blossoming Almond Branch in a Glass (1888)
One of my favorite still life subjects of Van Gogh, the cut branch in a glass, I ran across this one with the book behind creating a complicated compositional element. Note also the use of complementary colors, red and green, creating a vibration in the painting.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Louis Zimmer

Happy Birthday Louis Zimmer!! From Belgium, astronomer Louis Zimmer was born in 1888, and is considered one of the best and most innovative clockmakers in the world. His masterpiece, the Centenary Clock, was presented to his hometown Lier, on Belgium's hundredth anniversary of her independence. It took him 5 years to complete the clock, which is affixed to the front of the Zimmer Tower. In the center is one large clock (1.5 m) with 12 smaller dials circled around it. Each dial represents a different form of time: the Zodiac, Solar, Week, Seasons, Tides, etc. Quite interesting, in fact and if you care to read more, please go to .

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